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Islamic culture is soaked in invisibile’s yearning desire; transcend yourself finding the Meaning, nostalgia of Life, of The Living, of The Source, of The Beauty; of The Mercy that blew its own Spirit into us.
The hightest Beauty conceals itself and observes, from the top, with Love, for Love.
The fascination of What is Secret, the charm of One Who doesn’t reveal itself.
Ardently man aspires to the knowledge of his Beloved One.
Woman hides herself from the eye and the heart of the stranger, a veil lies down softly on her body and her soul; in her womb lives the rahma that receives man, creates man, nourishes man, loves man.
The fascination of what is Secret, the charm of one who doesn’t reveal itself.
Ardently man aspires to the knowledge of his beloved one.
“If the human knew the pleausure of meeting Allah and being near Him, he would feel grief for being distant from Him” Ibn Al Qayyim

Fatima Ismaeil

About Fatima Ismaeil

Italo-egiziana, laureanda presso la Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell'Università Alma Mater Studiorum di Bologna, mi interesso di tutto ciò che concerne Islam, Mondo Arabo, Filosofia, nonchè Arte e Letteratura. Coltivo una profonda passione per la scrittura e la poesia.